No Fear – Love Casts out Fear

Date: November 4, 2018 ()

Bible Text: I John 4:16-18 |

Bible Text: I John 4:16-18 | Understanding God’s love for us, our oneness with Christ and the abiding required to realize that oneness gives us confidence to live without fear. Part one of “No Fear November”

On All Flesh

Date: October 28, 2018 ()

Bible Text: John 7:37 |

Bible Text: John 7:37 | God has poured out His Spirit on all flesh.  Have you opened up to receive it? Thirst. Come. Drink. Believe for more and continuous filling by His Spirit.

The Persistent Widow

Date: September 23, 2018 ()

Bible Text: Luke 18:1-8 |

Bible Text: Luke 18:1-8 The Flip Side We take a look at the OTHER side of Jesus’ parables.  The face value of Christ’s teaching was received by the crowds, but there was much more eternal truth for

The Workers in the Vineyard

Date: September 16, 2018 ()

Bible Text: Matthew 20:1-16 |

Bible Text: Matthew 20:1-16 The Flip Side We take a look at the OTHER side of Jesus’ parables. The face value of Christ’s teaching was received by the crowds, but there was much more eternal truth for

The Soils and the Sower

Date: September 9, 2018 ()

Bible Text: Matt 13:1-23 |

Bible Text: Matt 13:1-23 The Flip Side We take a look at the OTHER side of Jesus’ parables. The face value of Christ’s teaching was received by the crowds, but there was much more eternal truth for
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