Located on Route 31 between Routes 14 and 176.
Our main building is set behind the smaller front building.
The smaller building, our Ministry Center, houses our Spanish ministry, Luz de Betel.
12 Baskets Sharing Center
Wednesdays, 1:00 – 3:00 pm
We are sharing center! Come and receive food to to nourish you.
Visit Calvary’s Youtube channel for recent sermons.

Calvary wants to be intentional in helping you grow.
We want to help you discover your identity as a disciple of Christ
and the purpose to which God has called you.
Life Groups are meeting where you can study God Word, serve shoulder to
shoulder and grow in your faith.
By being a giver, you become part of God’s Kingdom work.
The tithes and offering that you give are just a piece of the network of sacrifices made by many.
These many sacrifices by people like you, whether big or small in your eyes, are the modern day fish and loaves handed to Jesus.
He multiplies our resources and uses them to feed good news to the masses.
Thank you for giving.
Ways to give financially:
1) Through your bank or Financial Institutions online bill pay service.
2) Give during our Sunday Worship Service.
3) Mail or drop your financial gift to the church anytime.
***online giving through this website or through text-to-give is not available at this time

Special Services
Calvary celebrates milestones with those in our community. We also want to help you celebrate and remember lives well lived. If you are planning a WEDDING or if the need for a place to hold a FUNERAL arises, Calvary’s staff and our facility can be made available to you. To find out more about how Calvary can help, click the icons below.